Southern Wind
Van Cappellen Consultancy has been active in the maritime sector as an engineering company since 1984, providing specialist services in noise and vibration control for luxury yachts and merchant vessels. The founder, Willem van Cappellen, a former Dutch pleasure craft designer gained his knowledge in vibration control as lead engineer at MARIN, Loggers and Rubber Design. When asked by Feadship and Royal Huisman in the early 80’s, he extended his knowledge to yacht acoustics and as such formed the basis for the company as it is today.
“The team at Van Cappellen Consultancy is a pleasure to work with and they consistently provide new solutions to reduce acoustic levels on board. Van Cappellen Consultancy’s engineering highlights the big gains to be made by reducing sound levels at their source, and their on-site visits provide insightful solutions that take into account the practicalities of building high performance yachts. Team member Sandor Matla is part of the family here at Southern Wind ”
Paul Dumbell on behalf of Southern Wind